automate Kingdoms


Tired of repetetive work? Let your computer handle this!

IMPORTANT: Read the Notes at the end of this Page.

Why is it Special

Easy to use

The bot is designed to one-click start it. After downloading you will be ready to go in under a minute.

Powerful Design

Due to its nice interface you are able to use it without any programming skills.

Server Ready

You don't have to run the bot on your local computer day and night. It is even possible to deploy it on a server and access it through the browser.

Available on any Platform!

The bot is bundled for Windows, Linux and Mac. If you host the bot on a server, you can even access it with your browser on the smarthphone wherever you are, whenever you want.

Awesome Features

Normal, Sitter or Dual Login

It doesn't matter if you only have sitter or dual access on the desired gameworld. Every login type is supported.

Fast and Simple

The bot 'talks' directly to the Travian API. This leads to low traffic and high performance.

Enjoy Free Time

Don't turn on your phone when you are out with friends just to send farmlists. Enjoy the time and let your computer handle that.

Modern Interface

The modern and slim interface is easy to handle and really well-arranged.

10+ different Features

There are plenty of different features you can use: send farmlists, auto raise fields, endless building queue, ...

100% Open Source

You have a nice idea for the bot? Found bugs? Even you are able to help developing! Visit us on GitHub.

Join our Discord Channel

Chat with alot of other people and join our community! Feel free to ask questions :)


Download and view the Source Code

Inspect all my work and maybe learn how to program a Browsergame Bot on your own!

Final Notes

I got contacted by Travian Games recently.
I need to shut down the Hosting Service and also take down the Bot from GitHub because Bots are hurting the Game. Otherwhise I get sued.
Since I never really wanted to hurt the Game but rather learn about APIs and Automation while programming something for a Game I love to play, the decision was easy for me to end this Project.
That means, that some Core Files are deleted permanently so this Bot does not function anymore.
Despite this fact, I wanted to keep the Codebase still Open Source to encourage YOU to be interested in Technology, researching, trying out new things and eventually ending up with a working Project and alot of new knowledge.

If you like what I do feel free to support and/or follow me on any of the following Platforms:

Twitch - YouTube - Twitter - Patreon - GitHub